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The Agronomic Linked Data project is supported by the SouthGreen Bioinformatics Platform in collaboration with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and the Centre de coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD).


Pierre Larmande,
Researcher, IRD
Coordinator, Data science and knowledge management

Yann Pomie
Engineer, IRD

Bill Gates Happi Happi
PhD Student

Manuel Ruiz
Researcher, CIRAD

Former members:

Patrick Valduriez
Senior Researcher, INRIA
Head, Data and knowledge management workpackage, IBC

Nordine El Hassouni,
Engineer, INRA

Gildas Tagny,
Engineer, INRA

Imene Chentli,
Project intern, IBC and Open Data Group at LIRMM

Idjellidaine Jean-Christophe,
Project intern, IBC
UX developer

Aravind Venkatesan,
Post-doctoral researcher, IBC


Clément Jonquet
Assistant professor, University of Montpellier
Pi of D2KAB project

Konstantin Todorov
Assistant professor, University of Montpellier
Pi of Doremus project

Cyril Pommier
Engineer, INRA
Deputy Head of GnPIS

Photo Credits:

Stephane Jouannic
Researcher, IRD


The project is currently supported by CGIAR Rice CRP and The French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB -
This work have been supported by Institut de Biologie Computationnelle (IBC -, and the Agropolis Foundation (